With various therapy options available in Arizona, you may have been feeling overwhelmed about which one would be right for you. If you have been recovering from a long-term trauma and are looking for some ways to improve your mental health, you are in luck.

In this post, we will provide you with guidance on what is best for you, intensive inpatient program or an intensive outpatient program for mental health. As you delve deeper into the basic understanding of the difference between the two, you will gradually get an idea of what would be your best choice.

Let's begin, 

We are going to break down the differences in the table, but before that, let's first learn the basic definition.

  • What is an Intensive Inpatient Program?
  • What is an Intensive Outpatient Program?
  • Difference between inpatient and outpatient programs
  • Where to find an intensive outpatient program?

What is an Intensive Inpatient Program?

When your loved one needs constant intensive care to recover from their mental health conditions, getting into an intensive inpatient program could be the best choice. As your loved one gets daily therapeutic sessions and constant supervision for faster recovery.

As the name inpatient suggests, your loved one gets residential treatment care in a healthy and comfortable social setting. So, your loved one won't be distracted by anything outside or any external triggering factor.

What is an Intensive Outpatient Program?

Set aside those traditional therapy sessions where your therapist would provide you with one-on-one sessions to understand your core issues. When you get a mental health diagnosis for intensive outpatient programs, otherwise known as IOP, you are likely to explore the new arena of therapy. 

Be it group therapy or individual therapy sessions, you receive the highest level of care wherever you get your sessions, and by the end of it, you can go back to your home and family. You need strong social support and a positive environment when you have plans to opt for IOP.

Take A Look At The Difference between Inpatient and Outpatient programs

In this table, you will learn the five most important differences between the two programs:


Intensive Inpatient Program

Intensive Outpatient Program

Treatment Facility

Residential facility

Return Home after sessions and continue your social responsibilities


24-hour care and support from mental healthcare professionals

Scheduled therapy sessions (several hours per day, few days a week) 

Types of Treatment

Structured treatment for the people diagnosed with severe mental health issues

Flexible treatment to accommodate your social and household responsibilities

Types of Session

Therapeutic sessions, including individual counseling, group therapy, medication management, holistic therapies and so on

Access to individual counseling, group therapy, educational sessions for individual and families, family support groups and programs, and much more

What Do You Learn

Get a safe environment at residential care to recover faster and keep yourself away from external triggering factors to modify thoughts and emotions. 

Improve communication, mindful exercises and much more.

Learn coping mechanisms and skill to manage your mental health issues

Once you learn the difference between the two programs, you get an idea of what kind of program your loved one is suitable for. However, keep in mind that if your loved one has completed the intensive inpatient program, then outpatient programs are for them to avoid the risk of relapsing mental health conditions.

Finding an Intensive Outpatient Program in Mesa, Arizona

Fortunately, getting the best intensive outpatient program in Mesa, Arizona, is not difficult. Thanks to various mental health care facilities, you can now get an affordable intensive outpatient program for mental health right here in Arizona. 

One such mental health care institution is Azitts, or Arizona Integrated Telepsychiatry Services, which has been best known for providing the best intensive outpatient program in Mesa, Arizona. Our mental health experts will first access your mental health conditions and then offer you the right mental health treatment. 

Book your appointment now!